
Welcome to my website! I'm Kathryn and I blog about  fusing Vintage and modern Fashion together to create a unique style. I am also passionate about slowing down the fast fashion industry  and hope to encourage others to do likewise through my posts showcasing  my personal style through the vintage and upcycled items that I have sourced.  I have now added a SHOP section to my website where you can purchase lots of sustainable goodies from clothing to china and everything in between! Through my upcycling  posts and crafted items I hope to encourage all of you to be mindful about what you throw away and to see that almost everything can be reused and made fresh and unique again through a little imagination.   I also blog about maintaining a healthy mental attitude through positivity and being mindful of how unique we are as individuals.

Recap 2015 Day 6

Recap 2015 Day 6

A photo editing example. This one taking only a week ago on a dark wintery afternoon. I used the editing app VSCO on this one.
A photo editing example. This one taking only a week ago on a dark wintery afternoon. I used the editing app VSCO on this one.

Hi everyone, today its thoughts on Instagram photo Editing. Hmmm............ this has been the most difficult aspect of producing a decent photo shot since I started my Instagram page.

When I first started on Instagram during last summer I didn't know anything about editing a photo. I was taking photos and just publishing them "au natural". They didn't look too bad and I must admit didn't seem to affect the "likes" I recieved on a photo. However, that was during the summer when the light was good , the weather warmer and generally everything and everyone (including me) looked a lot better.

The Autumn and Winter of 2015 has  been a different story. Extreme wet weather conditions forced me to take a lot of indoor shots in my hallway. The lighting was very tricky and most of the shots even with the lights on were very very dodgy. I starting editing these photos simply to lighten them up so you could see what was being featured.

I must say that they have worked very well.  The common one that I use ( and I'm sure everyone on Instagram) is the editing feature on Instagram itself.  Any editing app can be a bit daunting at first and again can be a "trial and error" process. A photographer friend of mine advised me to use the different features available by going to the extreme end of the editing capacity and then scaling back to whatever preferance you decide. For example light, saturation, colour etc. By tweaking these features and with a little patience you will be rewarded with a much brighter and better quality photo when the elements outside are against you.

My favourite editing apps at the moment are;  Instagram, VSCO, Pic Collage and another one I found that I haven't actually featured on my page yet is Colour Effects.

This is a great fun app and seems to give the effect of a "colouring book". It allows you to "paint" or "colour in" parts of the photo with different colour wash effects. Striking if you want to do a monochrome background but want to "highlight" your subject.

Hope this post today was helpful. Please I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Talk tomorrow XXXX Violinkit

This photo taken only a few weeks ago in a darkened hallway. I used editing feature on PIC COLLAGE to brighten up this one.
This photo taken only a few weeks ago in a darkened hallway. I used editing feature on PIC COLLAGE to brighten up this one.
Recap 2015 Day 7

Recap 2015 Day 7

Recap 2015 Day 5!

Recap 2015 Day 5!